Phone Number Requirements
Check out WhatsApp Account Types to learn the differences between different types of accounts.
Your users and customers will discover your WhatsApp account using a phone number.
There are a few ways to connect your phone number to WhatsApp:
- New Phone Number
- Port a WhatsApp Account to Business Platform/API number
- Port a WhatsApp Business App to Business Platform number
- Use the same phone number that is already connected to WhatsApp Business Platform.
In this document, we'll outline how to connect any of these phone numbers to Peach.
This is our recommended approach. Even if you are already using a WhatsApp Business Platform number, you can add a new number and set it up to work with Peach. The process is straightforward:
- Login to your Peach account.
- Find WhatsApp Accounts from the menu when you click on your name

3. Click Add Phone number and select New Phone number from the options.

4. A popup will be launched that will ask you to login to Facebook and complete the phone number setup.
5. Refer to the section on Phone Number setup on Meta below to see instructions on completing the rest of the journey.
You can reuse a phone number that already has WhatsApp set up on it. The process depends on the type of WhatsApp account you are currently using:
- Normal WhatsApp account
- WhatsApp Business App
- WhatsApp Business Platform
Refer to this section on different types of WhatsApp accounts if you are unsure.
You will have to delete the WhatsApp account to port it as a business platform number. Please note that you will lose chat history and all contact details when you do this. To continue setting up Peach on this phone number, do the following:
- Launch WhatsApp app on the phone where this number is active, and go to the settings screen
- Choose Account, and then click on Delete Account.
- Wait for about an hour, and then follow instructions in the New Phone Number set up section.