
Messaging API


This is the API to use to send a pre-approved message to a user on WhatsApp. If you’re new to WhatsApp APIs, we strongly recommend getting familiarized with the WhatsApp Business Platformο»Ώ.


Send a transactional message

This is the most common requirement for many developers. Suppose you want to send an order confirmation or an appointment canceled notification to your users, then you should use this API.

The first step is to create a WhatsApp template and get it approved by WhatsApp on your business account. You can do this by going to your Peach dashboard, then Design β†’ WhatsApp Template.

A common requirement is to include details about the order or an appointment in the notification message. Peach lets you insert named placeholders in your template while submitting it for approval. You can then provide these values using the API to replace these placeholders with actual values in the message that is delivered.

Refer to the API docs here: